Fill out your Packing List after booking your collection.

What time will my collection be?

As our drivers navigate through numerous addresses each day, along with varying traffic and weather conditions, providing precise time slots can be challenging. Collection times will be communicated on the day of collection to accommodate these factors. Please ensure someone is available to hand over the goods to the driver upon arrival. Alternatively, if you prefer to leave the goods in a safe location, kindly inform our office in advance.

Do I need to write the delivery address?

Please ensure to include the recipient's name, address, and contact number on the items using a permanent marker. Please keep the writing clear but not excessively large. Additionally, kindly share all details with us via WhatsApp by clicking the "Contact Us" button.

Do I have to be home for collection?

We recommend being available at your home for the collection. However, if you have a safe location to leave your items, you may do so, provided that it is clearly communicated and accepted by our office and driver.

How do I cancel collection?

Please contact us via phone or WhatsApp by clicking the "Contact Us" button as soon as possible to communicate any cancellations. Alternatively, you can revisit the invitation in your calendar and select cancel. Please note that you may still incur charges if you cancel on the same date as the scheduled collection.